Thanks to their children, two families in Taiwan are celebrating winning £525,000 between them. They won their money pla...
$8,333 Lotto NZ Win Actually $8.33 million

$8,333 Lotto NZ Win Actually $8.33 million
A couple from Hamilton in New Zealand believed they’d won an $8,333 Lotto NZ prize. Then they realised their win was actually $8.3 million.
An email had been received from Lotto NZ telling them they were lottery winners. The male half of the lucky couple recalled the events of that amazing morning.
“I was having my coffee and reading through some work emails when I came across an email from Lotto NZ saying I'd won a prize.” Now that’s not a bad way to start your day is it?
Immediately he accessed the MyLotto App to check his ticket. He was rather distracted by the delicious cup of coffee he was enjoying and admits he “didn’t actually see the numbers line up.”
Initially he believed the ticket had won $8,333 and “was pretty happy with that.” It was a lot more in reality. His partner also took a look and thought that $8,333 had been won.
Too good to be true
They both thought their win was “too good to be true” never guessing the real amount they’d won. When going online and reading that someone in Hamilton had won the jackpot and realised they were the winners. $8 million came from the Powerball draw and another $333,333 from the Lotto NZ first division.
Coming to terms with such an amazing slice of fortune isn’t an easy task. The couple say they are yet to come to any major decisions on how their fantastic windfall will be spent.
Christmas spending boost
The couple are going to take their time and are continuing to work. They won’t be “rushing out to buy anything crazy.” A win at this time of the year is pretty handy though and they’ll now be able to “splash out a bit more this Christmas.”
Not long ago another couple from New Zealand won on the local Powerball game.
Paying off their mortgage is planned and helping members of their family. “'This win has opened up so many opportunities for us, and we want to make sure we make the most of it,” the delighted winner said.