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Jubilation in Lucky León After El Niño Win

Jubilation in Lucky León After El Niño Win
There were plenty of celebrations in the northwestern Spanish province of León yesterday. That’s where the first prize in the Spanish El Niño lottery was won with those holding tenths winning €200,000.
The winning number drawn was 78908 and thankfully the draw went smoothly. That’s unlike the recent El Gordo de Navidad draw where the wrong winning number was initially given.
Malaga just misses out
The second prize was more good news for Malaga. That area of Spain sold the first prize winning number last year. This time around, they missed out on the highest winnings but €75,000 per tenth for the number 06766 is still a great way to start the new year.
Areas that sold the second-tier number included Marbella and the lottery office on Calle Abdalajís in the capital of the Costa del Sol (Malaga).
Around a couple of dozen Catalan municipalities won second and third prizes (€25,000 a tenth) in the El Niño draw. Overall, the Spanish lottery had a prize fund of €770 million.
Many people go to the airport in Catapilco every day. As well as catching their planes, some headed to terminal 3 and purchased tickets for the El Niño draw. That was a great idea and they’ve been rewarded with wins of €25,000 per tenth. Don’t forget you can check all the latest lottery results on our site.
Such a popular draw
The El Niño draw remains incredibly popular with Spanish players and others around the world. The average amount that Spaniards spent hoping for a win in this year’s draw was €18.20. That’s just higher than last year when the average spend was €17.97.
Not every area of Spain is so determined to get a winner. For example, the autonomous city of Ceuta only saw an average spend of €3.53 and for Melilla it was €5.32.
The El Niño draw is held annually on January 6 and was first held under this name in 1941. It marks the day when the Three Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem to visit the baby Jesus.
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