Thanks to their children, two families in Taiwan are celebrating winning £525,000 between them. They won their money pla...
Why you should be playing EuroJackpot

Many people believe that their chances of winning the EuroJackpot are so slim that it's just not worth the investment. If your opinion is similar to this one, we'd like to change it; here's why you should be playing the EuroJackpot lottery:- A big win, no matter how long the odds, could change your life forever and for the better. Not only could you buy the house and car you've always wanted and afford as may exotic holidays as you have time for, but you need also never worry about money again. You could also provide for your loved ones, or make a big difference to a charity that's close to your heart.
- It's played in multiple countries. Sure, that means that EuroJackpot draws are a little more competitive than others, but it also means that EuroJackpot winners have the chance to scoop more money than players of most other games, as prize money is pooled from all competing nations.
- You can buy EuroJackpot tickets online. This means even players outside of Eurojackpot participating countries can be in with a chance of winning it big. Plus, there's a rollover facility which has seen this lotto jackpot go as high as 90million euros!
- Players can win one of 12 prizes, so even if you don't match the right numbers for a jackpot, that doesn't mean you'll leave the game empty-handed. The smallest prize requires just three numbers to be matched.
- It's exciting – there's nothing like waiting to see if this is the week your EuroJackpot results come up.
- It's easy - simply choose five main numbers, plus two additional “Euronumbers”, all chosen in one seven-number lottery draw. To win the jackpot, one must simply match all seven numbers.