ESP Visions Lead to $3 million Oz Lotto Win

ESP Visions Lead to $3 million Oz Lotto Win

ESP Visions Lead to $3 million Oz Lotto Win

An Oz Lotto player from Inner-Sydney in New South Wales, Australia had “sort of ESP visions” and always believed he’d win the jackpot one day. On April 16, that’s just what happened as he won the $3 million top prize.

He had no idea that his ticket had won the Oz Lotto jackpot. His ticket was registered so the lottery company knew who had won the jackpot.

Oh my god!

Cue a massive surprise when he received a phone call from them the following morning. “Oh my god!” was his initial reaction to the news of his Oz Lotto win.

It was a toss-up between which piece of news surprised him most. Was it the fact he had a jackpot winning ticket or the fact he was the only winner. “I won it all? By myself? I can’t believe it! I was the only division one winner?!” said the shocked player.

Then he revealed how he’s “always had a firm belief” that one day he’d win an Oz Lotto jackpot.  A recent Postcode Lottery winner said that she received a message  in her head to start playing the game.

The Oz Lotto winner said that he has had several small wins. He decided to reinvest his winnings due to him having “sort of ESP visions.”

Do you use the same numbers for every lottery draw? This Oz Lotto jackpot winner was considering doing just that. However, he decided it was best to use random numbers and what a decision that’s proved to be.

Enormous help

When asked how he would use his Oz Lotto winnings, he knew exactly what to do. He’d always said that if a jackpot win came along he’d have his children at the top of his list. “This will be an enormous help to my family,” said the generous winner.

His winning ticket was purchased from the Queens Square Newsagency in Sydney. It's owned by Peter Wang who revealed he was the one who sold the winning ticket. The delighted store owner has been selling lottery tickets for 20 years.

Buy tickets now  from Lottery24.